Medical or Personal Issues
Medical History Form
All new, transfer, and readmitted students (who have not attended UNC-Chapel Hill for the previous two years) must submit a completed immunization record and Medical History Form to Campus Health Services to avoid registration cancellation.
Leaving the University
Students with medical or personal issues may seek ways to depart the University, temporarily or permanently. Students should refer to relevant sections of the Handbook for information, such as Withdrawal from the University, Leave of Absence for Master’s degree or Doctoral degree, and Readmission.
Because each student situation is individualized, students should reach out to their director of graduate studies or The Graduate School for guidance and options.
Parental Leave Policy
The UNC-Chapel Hill Graduate Student Parental Leave Policy is designed to assist a full-time graduate student who is the primary child-care provider immediately following the birth or adoption of a child. This policy will ensure the student's full-time, registered status and will facilitate their return to full participation in class work and, where applicable, research and teaching in a seamless manner. All matriculated, full-time graduate students who have been full-time for at least one academic semester are eligible to apply for this leave. A Parental Leave Application Form, along with other supporting documentation as outlined in the policy, must be completed and submitted to the Graduate School at least eight weeks prior to the anticipated birth or adoption of the child.
Student Emergency Fund
Graduate students should be aware of the 1) Student Emergency Fund sponsored by Student Affairs and Scholarships and Student Aid and 2) GPSF Emergency Fund. Both funds may provide immediate limited financial support for unexpected emergency expenses.
See Student Emergency Fund or GPSF-EF
for additional information and the applications.
Health Insurance Plans
As per the UNC Board of Governors, all students enrolled at UNC-Chapel Hill are required to have verifiable health insurance coverage. Graduate students are offered health insurance coverage through either the Graduate Student Health Insurance Program (offered as part of a teaching or research assistantship or fellowship, including external fellowships) or the mandatory student plan
. Both plans are available by semester, and while enrolled, a student can switch back and forth between these two options as appropriate.
For information on either plan, visit Campus Health Services